What Distance Should Players Train From to Develop Their Most Effective Scoring Chances?
Maximize Scoring Opportunities at the Right Shooting DistanceMore
1800 Keller Lake Drive, Burnsville, MN 55306
SuperShooter2 30 Second Challenge
Initially players may score 1-3 points in 30 seconds. From training players typically get to 8-12 points. Once 8-12 points is reached, player extends challenge by shooting from 2 feet further back and shoot harder.
Maximize your training time with the Super Shooter 2, which returns your pucks back to you while you shoot. Practice your shot accuracy and receiving mechanics instead of chasing pucks all over the rink!
Coach Jeremy demonstrates and reviews the Supershooter2
Get a behind the scenes look at how the SuperShooter2 is made at its manufacturing plant in Brainerd, MN from powder to the completed product.
Jeremy, from HowtoHockey.com , reviews the Supershooter2 and shows viewers how it takes your hockey shooting training to another level